
  • Take a 40 minutes train ride along the coast from Hiroshima city,
    and you’ll reach the city of Kure. This is the famous Port city
    in which Okamoto Ind. headquarters resides. The history of Okamoto Ind.
    cannot be told without mentioning this city.

  • Since the modernization of Japan,Kure has played an important role in
    heavy industry – first, as a principal naval base, and thus a frontier
    in shipbuilding technology; and then againafter WWII, as a broader
    and more complex industrial city -.

  • Okamoto Ind. was founded in 1949 as a high-pressure gas supplier
    for local industries. 60 years since then, Kure and its complex
    industry has grown dramtically, and so has our company.
    We have always been performing an essential role in supplying the
    growing industries around us. Today, our company is a key supplier
    in the whole area of the Seto Inland Sea. We provide not only high-pressure gas,
    but also machine tools and industrial medicine.

  • Istarted an overseas projects here because I knew our company had a
    lot to contribute in the global market. Our goal is to become
    a comprehensive trader that identifies the unique needs of eachclient,
    searches the proroducts on behalf of the client,
    and delivers in a fast and reliable manner.

Company name Okamoto Industries
Location (Head office) 6-28 Showa-Cho, Kure city, Hiroshima, 737-0027, Japan.
Local offices Eba sales office
Hiroshima sales office
Mizushima sales office
Founded April 5th,1949
Paid-in capital ¥47,100,000
CEO Shigehiro Okamoto